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GRIT–  challenging yourself to do something you did not think was possible, putting the time and effort necessary to complete the task, yet not knowing what the end result will be.  This is the essence of GRIT. 

I am a firm believer that putting ourselves on a journey to challenge ourselves physically correlates directly to our ability to overcome obstacles in daily life.   As a running “professional enthusiast” now in my fourth decade of tackling marathons/ultras, I look forward to providing the perspective of balancing family, working full-time and still being very active in endurance racing.  My Endurance and Grit Series–currently including the books Embracing Grit and Endurance, Teamwork and Grit–are meant to inspire you to seek and complete meaningful endeavors regardless of other things going on in your life.  “Busy” is not an excuse; we can all strive for Big Things.  I encourage you to take a closer look!

Thanks again for your interest in my site!  
